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Narich specialises in creating simple solutions for sometimes complex problems using non destructive light and spectral techniques

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Warranty Policy - Konica Minolta Instruments - South Africa, SADC countries and Nigeria

A lot of publicity has been given to new Consumer Protection Legislation which does not necessarily relate to Industrial customers. To clarify our Warranty Policy for Konica Minolta Sensing in our region, the procedures are as follows:

When the instrument is delivered and installed, typically an Implementation Completion document is signed by the customer. This serves two purposes. 1) That the customer is happy that all is up and running as expected and no parts or accessories are missing and 2) The 12 month warranty period offered by Konica Minolta time period is initiated.

Narich (Pty) Ltd monitors these dates, and towards the end of the warranty period, typically a reminder is sent to the user. Please keep us updated of User Detail changes.

Each Instruments history is recorded in detail, recording Calibration Services and any other repairs or maintenance issues.

In the event of an instrument failure within the 12 month period, proceed as follows:

  • Securely pack the Instrument and all accessories in the ORIGINAL PACKAGING (or suitable alternative) and ship the Instrument to 21 Clare Street, Gardens, cape Town South Africa.
  • Shipping is at the customers cost.
  • Narich Service will carry out a diagnostic routine and confirm the issue, as well as if it is a warranty claim or not. this service is billed for.
  • If the Instrument is found to be defective  and a PART is at fault, the PART will be replaced free of charge. Labour will be billed.
  • The Calibration Certification will be renewed - No Charge
  • The Instrument will be returned to the customer at Konica Minolta's expense.
  • The same procedure is followed should in extreme cases the Instrument is required to be sent to Germany or Japan for more extensive repairs.
  • The repair is warranted for another six months.
Depending on the actual customers circumstances and the actual fault at the time, we reserve the right to change this procedure. This is usually in favour of the customer. Konica Minolta fiercely protect their brand.